Rates - Talent rates vary.
Day Rate Bookings - If reserved in advance, a day rate is eight (8) consecutive hours between 9am and 5pm, billed at 7 times talent hourly rate.
Overtime - Hours before 9am, after 5pm, Sundays and Holidays, are time and a half.
Hourly Bookings - Minimum of two hours on all bookings. Talent must be paid for the entire amount of time they are booked, even if they are not used for the entire time. Length of time must be stated at the time of booking.
Cancellations - Confirmed bookings cancelled within 24 hours will be charged full rate.
Weather Permit Bookings - All weather permit bookings will be assumed to be for rain only unless otherwise specified. All such bookings, if cancelled due to weather, will be charged at half fee provided they are rebooked prior to or at time of cancellation.
Tenatives - Tenatives must be released or confirmed 24 hours prior to booking. Otherwise, definite secondary's or definite bookings will take precedence.
Lingerie - Double hourly rate with a one-hour minimum on all lingerie bookings. All lingerie must be done on a closed set. Clients must provide changing facilities on all bookings, including locations.
Usage/Product Bookings - Please check all consumer product bookings with agency for conflicts and rates. No bookings for the following will be made without specific clearance: consumer product packages, billboards, riser cards, poster, hang tags, P.O.P., display materials, package inserts, endorsements, or use of the talent's name, etc. All fees and usage are subject to negotiation. Usage rates are limited to specifics negotiated at the time of booking.
Tests - No usage except for self-promotion of photographer and model. Any other usage must be negotiated.
Releases - Talent may not sign a photographic release without the agency's permission. Any release signed without the agency's permission will be void. Usage must be negotiated with the agency.
Film and Video - All bookings involving motion picture film or video recording must be negotiated in advance.
Fashion, Promotional, and Trade Shows - Fees available upon request.
Fittings, Makeup, and Hair - Prep time is at full rate.
Travel Time - Any travel outside a 20-mile radius of Detroit will be charged,
Agency Fee - 20% agency service fee will be added to all the bookings.
Payment - Required within 30 days of invoice date. A 10% late charge will be added if not paid within 30 days.
Subsequent, ongoing, and any future use of models and talent, first contacted through Michigan Models Detroit, must also be booked through Michigan Models Detroit are not permitted to book with clients direct.